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.Net Frame Work servise pack 2

Details: The .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2 provides cumulative roll-up updates for customer reported issues found after the release of the .NET Framework 2.0. In addition, this release provides performance improvements, and prerequisite feature support for the .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1. Supported Operating System Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Windows Installer: Windows...

C++ Primer, 4th Edition (2005)


C++ Plus Data Structures, 3rd Edition (2003)


C++ In A Nutshell (2003)


C++ GUI Programming With Qt 4 (2006)


C++ From The Ground Up, 3rd Edition (2003)


C++ For Mathematicians - An Introduction For Students And Professionals (2006)


C++ For Business Programming, 2nd Edition (2005)


C++ Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide (2004)


C++ Cookbook


C++ Complete Reference (3rd Ed.)


C++ Coding Standards - 101 Rules, Guidelines, And Best Practices (2004)


C++ By Dissection (2002)


C++ - How To Program, 5th Edition (2005)


C++ Programming with CORBA


Beyond The C++ Standard Library - An Introduction To Boost (2005)


Beginning C++ Game Programming (2004)
