In the book "C++ Sikhiye", Mr. Zulqarnain has tried his best to explain
the concept of C++ in Urdu language. If you want to learn C++ from
beginning, then do not miss to download this book becuase this book is
for you for free.
C++ is one of the most popular programming languages and is implemented
on a wide variety of hardware and operating system platforms. As an
efficient compiler to native code, its application domains include
systems software, application software, device drivers, embedded
software, high-performance server and client applications, and
entertainment software such as video games. Several groups provide both
free and proprietary C++ compiler software, including the GNU Project,
Microsoft, Intel and Embarcadero Technologies. C++ has greatly
influenced many other popular programming languages, most notably C# and
Java. Other successful languages such as Objective-C use a very
different syntax and approach to adding classes to C.
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